
HVAC History Archives - Derr Heating and Cooling

Moving from Gas to Electric Heating — Are You Ready to Make the Switch?

“If you ask, ‘How on Earth are we going to power the modern economy cleanly,” said Saul Griffith, founder and chief scientist of Rewiring America, “all roads point to electricity!” Yes indeed, there is a smarter, more efficient alternative to setting millions of tiny fires everywhere — burning fossil fuels in countless engines, furnaces and boilers to...

World’s #1, Daikin Changes its Name, But Not Its Mission

The world’s largest heating, ventilation, and air conditioning company, Daikin, has a new name, but its mission to remain a forward-thinking leader in environmental solutions is unchanged. The Daikin products organization, including Daikin ductless and light commercial systems (including VRV) in North America, is unifying its core Daikin, Goodman and Amana HVAC brands. Derr Heating and Cooling is proud to be an authorized Daikin and Goodman...

A Refreshing Taste of Derr’s

The name Derr can be traced back to a very tasty refreshment in the form of a delicious beverage. Tucked away in the small city of Boonville, Indiana sits Derr’s Soda, makers of a sparkling variety of soda pop in amazing flavors like strawberry, pineapple, orange and grape. The Derr’s business is old. It’s so...